A study published in journal Nature Scientific Reports shows that LIGHTAIR prevents airborne-transmi
Swedish engineers design the perfect solution to reduce the spread of influenza in homes, schools, hospitals, doctor clinics and offices. The only air purifier in the world that has been proven to reduce the infectivity of viruses in the air through scientific studies which have been peer reviewed and published in one of the world's most cited scientific journals.
A new study recently published in the journal Scientific Reports by Nature Publishing Group shows that Lightair’s patented IonFlow technology effectively prevents the spread of airborne transmitted viruses and is highly efficient in capturing small particles. The study was carried out by researchers at the Karolinska Institute (KI) and University of Linköping (LiU) in Sweden. Karolinska Institute is one of the world’s largest and most prestigious medical universities and research institutes. The institute appoints the laureates for the Nobel Prize in Medicine each year. The viruses, calicivirus, rotavirus and influenza virus, used in the study are of great clinical and economic importance since they represent and were used as surrogates for viruses that cause among other diseases, the “winter vomiting disease”, diarrhea and gastroenteritis diseases affecting millions of people each year. The viruses circulate worldwide and can affect anybody in any age group. Seasonal influenza causes severe disease in an estimated 3-5 million people worldwide every year and is responsible for 250,000 – 500,000 deaths annually, according to WHO. “We are the first in the world to use ionization technology to capture and analyze viruses, bacteria and other particles from the air,” said Lennart Svensson, project leader of the study and professor of molecular virology at LiU. “Now we have also demonstrated the viruses by electron microscopy and found that we capture intact virus particles. In parallel with this method is a biosensor developed by which we directly will be able to deduce which particles are captured. This device enables unique possibilities to analyze air and prevent the spread of infectious diseases, which provides a wide medical and clinical application.” The effectiveness of Lightair’s IonFlow technology was evaluated in several studies, including experiments on guinea pigs, which were exposed to influenza A (strain Panama 99). The results showed that none of the guinea pigs, exposed to infected animals, became infected when the ionizer device was active, whereas three out of four exposed animals became infected when the ionizer was inactive. Furthermore, it was shown that the IonFlow technology is highly efficient in capturing viruses even when there are only small amounts of viruses in the air as well as very small particles, so called nanoparticles. “Lightair is in many ways a true pioneer in the field of air purification. We are thrilled to see the test result, since it confirms other tests that show that our products are very effective against the dangerous nanoparticles and ultra-fine particles,” said Roger Sogge, CEO at Lightair. “This will enable us to strengthen our message to the public that we can help reduce the serious problems that air pollution causes. We will continue our dedication to improving people's health and comfort by offering the best, most versatile indoor air quality products in the market.” Lightair’s IonFlow technology, the ionizing of air and the electrostatic attraction, offers a new solution to prevent aerosol-transmitted influenza infections by preventing the spread of airborne transmitted viruses and other pathogens. The high volume of ion production, easy handling, low cost, ozone-free production of ions, robustness, high efficiency and low-voltage (12 volt) of Lightair’s IonFlow technology enables large-scale use suitable for distribution in airplanes, hospitals, day-care centers, school environments and other public places as well as homes. The full report may be viewed at: http://www.nature.com Lees het originele artikel op: http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/2638961.